The Third Rem-Thoughts… RSA President Roy Marcot 2012

To all RSA members,

This has been a challenging month for me, as I underwent surgery to repair a pretty severe rotator cuff tear and a torn tendon in the right shoulder. I underestimated the seriousness of the micro-surgery and the recovery time. I don’t know where I got the information, but I thought it would be minor surgery with only slight aches afterwards. I even
thought I could work on the Journal in the days following surgery. Boy, was I wrong.

Under general anesthetic I was on the table for two and a half hours – ouch… and on a pretty strong pain killer for three days after. I couldn’t function with the medication, let alone turn on a computer to work on the Journal. I learned that I must live in an arm brace and sling for the next four weeks… 24/7. I couldn’t even sit in front of my computer for four days, and when I did, had to type at an angle, in pain.

I tell you all this so that those who emailed me might realize why I hadn’t returned messages, and why the 3rd Quarter Remington Collector’s Journal is arriving a bit late. Please keep in mind that the magazine is a 100% volunteer effort, with no one receiving payment of any type. Besides myself, the quarterly magazine is due to the unselfish efforts of Mike Strietbeck, Rich Shepler, Mark Eddy, Ed Hull, Gordon Fosburg, Ron Paxton and Bill Hansen. You might want to thank them the next time you see them.

In the last issue I began to acknowledge RSA’s leaders who have worked so hard to make this the wonderful organiza- tion it has become. I promised to single out other individuals. So, let’s continue…

Gene Myszkowski has been an effective Director in our organization for many years. Besides fulfilling this responsibility with zest and enthusiasm, Gene has managed RSA’s museum display program since its inception nearly a decade ago. Remington management allows the Remington Society to have a large display cabinet in the Remington Museum in Ilion, New York. The exhibit is changed each year, allowing a different member to display his Remington firearms for thousands of museum goers to see each year. The displaying member and Gene design the exhibit, and Mike Strietbeck fabricates the signs and display placards. We have always considered it an honor to have one’s treasures on display in the finest Remington arms museum in America. Gene is an accomplished historian and published author of four books. He readily shares his knowl- edge by answering numerous questions about Rem-Lee firearms, Custom Shop guns, and high-power autoloading and slide-action rifles.


Bob Pryor is also a Remington Society Director, and until last year managed the RSA display tables at all major gun shows throughout the United States. While he turned over this responsibility to Corey Creamer, he continues to encourage our members to “man” the Remington Society table or booth at gun shows.

Lou Behling has been a member of our Remington Research Team for the last fifteen years, and unselfishly shares his vast knowl- edge of UMC and Remington ammunition with RemShots and anyone writing in with ammo questions. Lou is an outstanding researcher, and is very close to completing his life-long study of American rimfire ammunition – and hopes to publish a book on this subject in the near future.

Garland Jackson is also a multi-term RSA Director, and an authority on Remington double guns. He has been a member of the Remington Research Team, and has displayed his guns at the Remington Museum. He and his wife, Sue,
have attended nearly all RSA Annual Seminars going back to 1994!

Our revered Leon Wier would say that none of us would be here without the foresight and work of one man – Fritz Baehr – the RSA’s founding president. Following the lead of Karl Moldenhauer, Fritz and others established the organization that we enjoy today. After a half-dozen years at the helm Fritz turned the presidential reins over to the most capable Gordon Stanley, who brought the club to new heights. Four years later, he ushered in the eleven-year rein of the late Leon Wier, who was followed by President George Slatten, and eventually by Richard Shepler. Under the capable leadership of these men the Remington Society reached new heights, including the transi- tion from periodic, informative letters to a quarterly newsletter, to a 60 to 80-page magazine; the establishment of the Remington Research Team, which has been returning to research at the Remington plant for the past 21 years; to the establishment of Annual Historical Seminars (under the leadership of the late Jay Huber, Rich Shepler and now Chip Kloos; to the RSA being at every major gun show in America.

Corey Creamer now manages our RSA presence at all major gun shows every year. He encourages members to step forward to manage a Remington Society table and to sign up new members. Corey has been with us for a long time, which began when he helped his mom and dad, Bob and Sue, with RSA raffles and silent auctions at Annual Seminars and Annual Meetings. It is wonderful to see young men, such as Corey and Billy, step forward into leadership positions.

More next issue…

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