The Third Quarter 2008 From The Editor, Roy Marcot

To All RSA Members,

The election of the RSA officers and board of
directors has always been held during the Annual Meeting in
Las Vegas. New procedures have been approved for the
upcoming election that will allow greater participation from
members who can’t attend the annual meeting.

Elections will be held to fill the following RSA
TREASURER, and two DIRECTORS. All of these positions
are for a three year term except the Vice President position
which will be for four years. This is being done so the
President’s term and those of the two Vice Presidents will be
staggered in the future.

Please take some time and consider someone who
you think should be nominated for one of the positions. Send
the following in a letter to RSA Elections Chairman John

  • Candidate’s full name
  • RSA Position interested in filling
  • Full mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Candidate has been an RSA member since…
  • A clear photo of the candidate
  • Brief biography, highlighting gun collecting experience
  • Sponsor’s name and full contact information

    Please consider the following guidelines when making a nomination:

  • Sponsors and candidates must both be current RSA members
  • If elected, candidates should plan on attending at least the Annual RSA Meeting and/or the Annual RSA Historical Seminar each year
  • Candidates must maintain an E-mail account during the term of office
  • Sponsor must contact the nominee to be sure he/she is willing to fulfill the terms of office before his/her name is submitted
  • Self- nominations are permitted
  • Complete all of the information requested and submit in letter form or in an E-mail to the Elections Chairman no later than September 15, 2008.

    RSA Elections Chairman John Gyde
    P.O. Box 801, Creswell, OR 97426
    (541) 895-2862


    Ballots with the names of the nominees will be
    included with the 4th Quarter Journal. There will be provisions
    for write-in candidates. The election results will be
    announced at the RSA Annual Meeting at Las Vegas in
    January 2009.

    Come on… Get involved with the future of the RSA!

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