The Second Rem Thoughts RSA President Roy Marcot 2015

Greetings RSA members,

We are well underway in our RSA activities for

2015. In January about four dozen members attended our Annual Member’s meeting at the Antique Arms Show at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas. By now I’m sure you’ve heard that the hotel will be closing… and Beinfeld Productions will be searching for a new venue for the 2016 show.

In early March RSA Director Dan Pozarek manned the Remington Society table at the prestigious Baltimore Gun Show! Dan brings the RSA to our Eastern members.

A few weeks ago RSA member David McKoy represented the Remington Society at the Gun Collector’s Display Area at the NRA Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. David did us proud by displaying his collection of Remington-Smoot revolvers… and won special recognition from the judges. Way to go, David!

In mid-May your Remington Society will be in Denver for the Colorado Gun Show. Come say hello at the booth if you are attending this terrific gun show.

RSA Director Chip Kloos has put together a wonderful program for us in Fairfax, Virginia in September – the 19th Annual RSA Historical Seminar! Attendance will be limited as Chip has secured exclusive tours of the Gun Vault at the Smithsonian’s Museum of U.S. History in Washington! See the sign-up information on page 26 of this Journal.

All in all, several great activities remain this year for all RSA members. I’ll see you there…



The Remington Historical Foundation
     We are pleased to announce the establishment of THE REMINGTON HISTORICAL FOUNDATION, Inc.
This is the fulfillment of a dream of mine in our quest to pre- serve the history of “all things Remington.”
The Foundation is totally independent of the Remington Society of America, although there may be an interface in the future. The principal leaders of the Foundation are David Fagan, Dan Pozarek, Corey Creamer and myself, Roy Marcot. The stated purpose of the new entity is:
The Foundation is organized exclusively for historical, educational and charitable purposes, specifically to collect materials related to the history of Remington Arms Company, Inc., its predecessor companies, and related companies . The Foundation will make this information available to the general public in publications, historical exhibits, and over the Internet, and to offer sponsorship grants to historic societies, museums, and other similar institutions approved by the Board of Directors, to make monetary donations to suitable charitable entities approved by the Directors, and to lend support to approved associations in the establishment of historical and educational ex- hibits open to the public. The Foundation will periodically raise funds required to maintain the Remington Historical Archives.

The Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) “tax exempt” organization. This means that the Foundation can accept contributions of historically related materials and the donor can take a bonafide tax write-off for the value of such materials.

The foundation was established to provide an educational entity to gather and share information (data and images) about the history of Remington firearms, ammunition and other products. This includes, but is not limited to information about the following entities:

  • E. Remington & Sons (1816 to March 14, 1888)
  • Remington Arms Company(March 14, 1888 to March 16, 1911)
  • Remington Arms & Ammunition Company (March 16, 1911 to January 14, 1916)
  • Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Company (January 14, 1916 to May 24, 1920)
  • Remington Arms Company, Inc. (May 24, 1920 to present)
  • The Union Metallic Cartridge & Cap Company (1867)
  • The Union Metallic Cartridge Company (1867 to March 16, 1911)

In the near future I will be transferring my personally-owned archives material to the Foundation. These include upwards of 160 linear feet of Remington-related materials.

More on this new entity in future issues of the Remington Collector’s Journal.


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