The Second Quarter 2012 From The Editor


Dear RSA Members,

We held up the printing of this 2nd Quarter issue so that we could send you the information and pictures of Billy Smith’s “award winning” display of Remington Model 12 rifles at the NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis. Billy represented the Remington Society with his twenty-foot wide exhibit at the Gun Collector’s area… along with exhibits by all other major gun collector organizations. The results of Billy’s endeavor are well documented in the centerfold of this magazine. We all owe Billy a debt of gratitude for representing our organization so well!

In this issue you will enjoy a fine article by member Luke Mercaldo about the rifles made by Rem-UMC before and during World War I. It was well researched and factually complete. It was taken, in part, from his recently-published book on all Allied rifles made in America during “The Great War.” Luke will give a PowerPoint presentation on Remington’s involvement in WWI at the 16th Annual RSA HistoricalSeminar in September at VMI.

Also in this Journal is John Gyde’s article on the 1911, ‘12 and ‘13 Remington Salesmen’s Conventions held in Ilion and Bridgeport. He reveals many interesting facts about the company and its sales effort one hundred years ago!

RSA member Eric Brown supplied us with excellent photographs of his recently acquired advertising plates dating from 1912 and ‘13. Gordon Fosburg gave us copies of the actual magazine ads that utilized these plates, so we could show both on the same page. How these copper plates survived is anyone’s guess.

Two months ago long-time Remington employee Ken Waite donated his collection of “Remington Reporters” to the RSA Archives. These are in-house newspapers from Remington’s Bridgeport Ammo Works, dating back to the mid-1930s. They are packed with information about Remington products, leaders and history. Having them prompted us to begin a new feature in the Journal – Rem-Past.  We hope to put two or three Rem-Past columns in each forthcoming issue. Thanks, Ken, for making this possible. As RemShots  (Mike Strietbeck) says… its all about Sharing the History.

We are always looking for newly written articles from our members. In the works are articles from Lee Estabrook, Jim Peterson and Garry Hollands.

We understand that Tom Rowe, respected author and a fine photographer is in the completion stages of his study of Remington No.3 “Hepburn’s Patent” Sporting & Target Rifles. I have already seen an advanced copy of his manuscript, and tell you that it will be one fine book! Look for it in the next few months.

Well, that’s about all for now…



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