The Second Quarter 2008 From The Editor, Roy Marcot

To All RSA Members,

We are well into 2008, and your Remington Society continues “Sharing the History” through meetings, displays, Journals and seminars. Are you a part of the “sharing” this year? Will you be putting on a Remington display at a gun show? Will you be writing an article for the RSA Journal this year? Did you attend the RSA Annual Meeting in January? Will you be going to Louisville to participate in the 13th Annual RSA Historical Seminar in October?

RSA members Doug Drummond and Rudy Johnson will be in charge of the Remington Society display at the NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville on May 15th – 18th. They will be displaying their outstanding collection of Remington Double Derringers, and plan on greeting thousands of visitors to the RSA booth. The NRA Meeting typically has more than 65,000 visitors in attendance, and a goodly number come to the antique arms displays in the large convention hall. The guys will be assisted by RSA Director David Fagan and Charter Member Chuck Doty, and yours truly, but more RSA members are wanted to greet the throng. Please get in touch with Bob Pryor at (408) 296-0404 ( if you will be in Louisville and have the desire to help out.

RSA member Jeff Taylor will be the Remington Society’s representative at the National NRA Gun Collectors Show in Minneapolis, Minnesota – August 9th – 10th, 2008. He will be putting on a display, and needs fellow RSAers to help out. Please coordinate through Bob Pryor if you can help.


The 13th Annual RSA Historical Seminar will be held from September 24th – 26th, 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky. Rich Shepler promises this to be a knock-out event with tours of the Frazier International Firearms Museum, excellent speakers, raffles and give-aways, great food and wonderful friends. Contact Rich as soon as possible, as he has started a list of attendees to receive seminar updates. If you ever attended a seminar you’ll know how much fun they can be.

On a personal note, Jay Lewis, Ron Paxton and I have been working hard to complete Volume I of a three volume set entitled “Remington Rolling Block Rifles, Carbines & Shotguns.” This first volume is “Rolling Block Sporting and Target Rifles” and will include a complete study of all No.1, No.1½, No.2, No.4, No.5 and No.7 rifles. Each 324 page volume will be large format – 14″ x 12″ and in full color. If all proceeds well, finished books should be available by early October.

There are many people working behind the scenes to make the Remington Society the very best gun club anywhere. No one — I repeat — no one is paid for their hundreds of hours of service to the RSA… and several don’t seek reimbursement for their club-related expenses, including postage, office supplies and phone calls. This is an organization run by volunteers… and we are always looking for others to step up and help. Of special need are those who will put on displays on RSA’s behalf… or man RSA tables at gun shows throughout America. We will supply table covers, advertising materials and applications. Again, contact Bob Pryor.

Well, that’s about it for now. See you at the next gun show…

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