The Last Word, by RSA President George Slatten

The Last Word
by RSA President George Slatten
The NRA’s 9th Annual Gun Collectors Show and Conference is now history, and I’m pleased to report that the Remington Society was there in force. Jim Tipton, George McAllister, John Lacy and JD Hofer all mounted outstanding displays, with JD garnering an NRA award for his display of “E. Remington & Sons Percussion Arms.” We’re proud of your accomplishment, J.D!

Thanks to the efforts of Jim Tipton, our Show Coordinator, and Bob Pryor our Show Chairman, the RSA displayed its colors as well, with a membership and promotion table. We signed up several new RSA members there, thanks to Myra McAllister and Zak Phan.

As usual, our Annual Meeting in Las Vegas was held in conjunction with Beinfeld’s Antique Arms Show at the new Mandalay Bay venue. The show itself was terrific, and we once again extend our thanks to Wally for providing accommodations for the RSA.

Election results at the General Membership meeting were as follows:

  • Jay Huber – Director (re-elected)
  • Garland Jackson – Director (new Director)
    Welcome aboard Garland!!
  • Rich Shepler – Vice President (re-elected)

Outgoing Director John Gyde deserves our heartfelt thanks for his many and significant contributions. John assures us that he intends to remain active in the Society, and we are grateful for his continued participation.

What’s next? Well, there’s the NRA Annual Meeting in Houston followed by The Texas Gun Collectors Association show being held the following weekend, April 21 through 24, 2005, in Fort Worth Texas. Gordon Stanley is working hard to assure that the TGCA show will be another success for the RSA, and we need your help as well. Contact Gordon (361-729-4026) or Paul Doggett (281-489-9494) for information and assistance.

The RSA 2005 Summer Seminar will be held in Springfield, Massachusetts, 13-15 July, and will feature a back room tour at the Springfield Armory National Historic site. Be sure to make your reservations and sign up early!

And by the way, RSA Secretary Sue Creamer has full color 8″x10″ stand-up RSA membership signs for you to display on your table at upcoming gun shows. For the asking, she will also include some RSA membership forms to help you sign up new members! Cantact Sue for these complimentary signs and applications. Let’s get the word out there that the Remington Society is the very best gun collector club around

It’s shaping up to be another great year for our RSA. I look forward to seeing you around the country at our displays and member’s tables. Be sure to stop by and say hello!!

Respectively submitted,

George Slatten

RSA President

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