The Last Word by RSA President George Slatten |
Jim also displayed a half-dozen other Remington rifles and shutguns in the RSA exhibit. The display was modest, but very attractive, and I’m happy to report that Jim’s display received one of the NRA’s 10 Cirtificates of Recignition” as an outstanding display. This was quite an achievement, as there were more then 27 club displays at the Annual NRA Meeting. Much has been learned from our show efforts this year and last, and we hope to put these lessions to good use in the future. Thank you Dick Binger for showing RSA’s flag last year in Orlando, and thank you Jim Ciolli for doing an equally good job in Pittsburgh this year. |
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Major L Boddicker will be the RSA Show Manager for the Colorado Gun Collector’s Shiw in Denver on May 15th & 16th. He is the CEO of Rocky Mountain Wildlife Products in LaPorte, Colorado. I am happy to report that there have been plenty of volunteers to help man the RSA table during the Denver show. I want to also thank all of our members for their contributions to out continuing show efforts. Throught your help in volunteering to display your collections and man our display tables, the Remington Society of America has become recognized as a top notch Collectors Organization. Have you made your display table reservations for the Winchester Arms Collectors Association show to be held in West Springfield, Massachusetts on October 9th and 10th? If not, please contact Carole Chittenden (914) 248-1000 and mention that you will be displaying for the Remington Society to obtain a special table rate. RSA Director Gene Myszkowski will be RSA’s Show Chairman at this event. Details can be found on RSA’s website at www.remingtonsociety.comand on page 40 of this Journal. This is our chance to show out Winchester friends what fine Remington collections look like! We need a big turnout, so start your planning now. There will be a Board of Directors meeting helf on Wednesday, July 28th in conjunction with the start of the 10th Annual RSA Historical Seminar. If you are a Board Member or Activities Coordinator, please plan to attend this working session. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the RSA Display table at major shows around the country. Be sure to stop by and say “hello” And while your are at it… wear your RSA name badge!
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