The Fourth Rem-Thoughts… RSA President Roy Marcot 2013

To All RSA Members,

As this is the last quarter of 2013 I am reminded
of the successes we had as an organization this past year,
and the amount of work done by a select few leaders of the
Remington Society.

Our Annual Members’ Meeting
takes place on a Saturday evening at
the Antique Arms Show in Las Vegas
every January. We had upwards of fifty
members and guests attend this year’s
meeting, and the upcoming activities
of the organization were explained to
all. Raffles and give-aways have become
an enjoyable part of the evening,
and it seemed that no one went away
empty handed. Many RSAers helped to
“man” the Remington Society table in
the main showroom, which was full of
RSA merchandise, including logo shirts
and jackets.

The next Annual Meeting will
be held in Las Vegas on Saturday evening at 5:30 PM on
January 18th, upstairs in the conference room. All members
are encouraged to attend after the show closes.

RSA Director Corey Creamer is also our club’s
Show Coordinator, and he did a fine job organizing and
staffing the Las Vegas table, another at the Baltimore Gun
Show in March, the Annual NRA Convention in late April,
and the Colorado Gun Show in May. Thanks, too, to Dan
Pozarek, Rudy Johnson and Doug Drummond for “manning”
the table in Baltimore. And a big “thank you” to
RSA VP George McAllister and J.D. Hofer for putting on
the Remington Society display at the NRA Convention in

This coming year Corey has already begun to
coordinate RSA’s presence in Las Vegas, Baltimore and
Denver, as well as the RSA Booth at the NRA Annual
Meeting at the Indiana Convention Center in the center of
downtown Indianapolis from April 25-27, 2014. An RSA
booth display coordinator is necessary, and any interested
RSA member should contact Corey as soon as possible.

RSA Mini-Meetings continue to be held in
Southern California to great success, and we encourage
other meetings to be established throughout the country.
Quarterly get-togethers of Remington collectors can be a
good way to enjoy your Remingtons with your neighbors.
Contact any RSA leader for helpful hints in establishing
Mini-Meetings in your neck of the woods.

The highlight of the year was the 17th Annual RSA
Historical Seminar that took place in Lonoke, Arkansas –
the home of Remington Ammunition. Seminar Coordinator
Chip Kloos did a wonderful job planning the four glorious
days touring the plant, holding historical lectures, an
afternoon at the Remington Gun Range (which included
shooting the 8 gauge Industrial Gun!) and feasting at a
Southern Style Pig Roast.

As we go to press, Chip is visiting
Cody, Wyoming, to set up the next RSA
Seminar at the Cody Firearms Museum
which will be held from September
24th through the 27th, 2014. Mark
your calendars now for this not-to-bemissed

With sadness I report the passing
of three important RSA members who
are well known within our organization.
James Tipton collected high
grade Remington shotguns and was a
key member on the team that is working
on a book on high grade shotguns
and rifles. James was also a member of the Remington
Research Team, and put on the RSA Display at the Houston
NRA Convention a few years back. Nick Niles was
a Remington collector and historian, and worked for the
company for many years. Elliott Burka was a collector
of high grade E. Remington & Sons’ pistols and rifles,
and displayed them at many gun shows throughout the
country. At the time of his death Elliott was working on
a book on Remington Cane Guns (a.k.a. Rifle Canes), but
the status of his work is not presently known.

We continue to work on an “Expert’s List” of
knowledgeable individuals who will volunteer to answer
specific questions for RemShots, and field questions directly
from the Remington Company. Our list is about half
finished, but we welcome your involvement to complete
it. Please be in touch with me if you want to serve in this
important capacity. More on this in the next Journal.

Lastly, I encourage you to become more involved
with our organization… not only by attending the events,
but by stepping forward into leadership roles. Maybe
you’ll want to organize Mini-Meetings in your area. Maybe
you’ll want to write an article on your area of Remington
firearms or history. Maybe you’ll want to help out with
“manning” an RSA table at your gunshow. Lots can be
done to make this a better organization in 2014!