The Fourth Quarter 2015 RSA Journal
Fourth Quarter 2015
RSA Journal
From The Editor, Roy Marcot
In This Issue…
- RemShots by Mike Strietbeck
- Revolver Model 700 BDL Rifle
- Mallable Iron Fittings Company
- Remington Model 10 Military Shotgun 9 Remington “Sportsman” Shotgun
- Remington Model 17 Shotgun Markings 14 Rem-Lee M1899 Sporter Carbine
- Remington New Model Police Revolver
by William Hansen
- Annie Oakley and the Remington Arms Co.
by Gordon Fosburg
- Remington “Navy Model of 1870” Pistol 32
- Remington “Knives That Bite”
by Rich Shepler
- Remington Beals 1st Model Pocket Pistols
by Charles Schif
- The Remington Bookshelf
by Ed Hull
Rem-Thoughts… RSA President Roy Marcot