The Fourth Quarter 2010 RSA Journal

Photo of the Fourth Quarter 2010 Issue of the RSA Journal

Fourth Quarter 2010
RSA Journal

In This Issue …

From The Editor, Roy Marcot

  • RemShots

    • Ammunition for 3rd Model Smoots
    • Remington “Boy Scout” Bayonets
    • An Engraved Remington Model 12 Rifle
    • A Remington No.1 Sporting Rifle
    • Nickel Plating of Remington Firearms
    • A Percussion, Half-Stock Sporting Rifle
    • Remington Shotgun Extractor Patent Papers?
    • The Good Ones Are Still Out There!
    • An Unusual Rolling Block Pistol
    • Remington Lightweight Model 572 Rifles

  • The Story of Eddystone
    by Joe Marcot and Joe Poyer
  • Remington “Knives that Bite”
    by Rich Shepler
  • Rem-Facts
    by Mark Eddy
  • The Remington Bookshelf
    by Ed Hull
    “A Collector’s Guide to Military Rifle Disassembly and Reassembly”
  • 15th Annual RSA Historical Seminar
  • Unusual Remington Ammunition
    by Lou Behling

Locked and Loaded… RSA President Rich Shepler

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