The Fourth Quarter 2008 LOCKED AND LOADED …

Words From RSA President
Rich Shepler

When you receive this Journal and read this, the
national elections will be over. I hope you voted
and I hope the results will have been favorable for
candidates who are supportive of us firearms enthusiasts.
Speaking of voting, you will find a ballot with this Journal for
RSA’s 2009 elections. While there are
no contested positions this year, I do
hope you cast your vote so that we
can see whether the change in RSA’s
election process has been well
received. Also, the ballot contains a
brief survey and we would really like
to get a good representation of
survey answers from the general RSA
membership. The survey is not a
“vote,” but it will provide very
valuable information to your Officers
and Directors as we chart RSA’s
course going forward.

On the same sheet as the RSA
election ballot, you will find a form for
annual members to use when submitting your 2009 RSA dues. Save a stamp and mail your ballot
and dues form at the same time! It would be a good idea to
do this right away and not put the forms in a to-do pile. If
you are like me, that pile sometimes gets forgotten and
before you know it, you might be late. If you renew after the
first of the year, it will cost you $500 more for late payment
dues, because RSA will have to mail your first quarter
Journal separate from the automated mailing to those who
are current at the beginning of the year. So, if possible,
please send in your 2009 dues right away. Not getting them
all in a bunch makes it easier for our RSA Treasurer to
process them and update RSA’s membership records as well.


The 2008 RSA Seminar, held in Louisville, Kentucky, is
now history. As you have read earlier in this Journal, a great
time was had by all and you missed a very informative and
fun time is you did not attend. Those who have participated
in past Seminars have always said that they are one of the
best things about our Society. I am
certain that if you come in the future,
you will feel the same way. Details of
the 2009 Seminar will be announced at
the Annual RSA Membership Meeting
in Las Vegas in January. If you cannot
be there for that meeting, watch for
the details in the first quarter RSA
Journal and make your plans to

But do attend the RSA Annual
Meeting on Saturday evening,
January 17th, if you will be in Las
Vegas at the time. It will be shortly
after the show closes for the day. The
exact room and time will be available
at the RSA table during the gun show.
Not too long after you receive this Journal it will be the
time for considering New Year’s resolutions. How about
resolving to get more involved with the RSA during 2009? If
you cannot make it to the Annual Meeting, you can contact
any RSA officer or director whose contact information is in
the front of every Journal. I know you’ll be glad you did.

Best regards,

Rich Shepler

RSA President

(931) 583-0564 RS*@Re*************.org

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