RSA Members, Year’s end already? Hard to believe that this year is nearly over and the holidays are near, and RSA’s Annual Meeting is quickly approaching (on January 6th). You may not be aware of this, but 2007 is the RSA’s 25th Anniversary year! The 1st Quarter 2007 issue of the Journal will be a mega-issue of 100+ pages of RSA history and both new and past Remington articles. It should be an issue to remember, so get your 2007 dues paid before December 31st. But I’m getting ahead of myself… This 4th Quarter issue returns to the larger, 60-page format and is highlighted by Jack Heath’s excellent article on “Collecting Model 1100 Shotguns.” Remington’s Big 3, the Model 870, the Model 700 and the Model 1100, are the latest collectible guns in the Remington field. One can look for one each of these at local gun shows and when finished, will have 30 to 50 variations of each. Most variations will cost you less than $400 each… some less than $250. Jack’s article will be a starting point for your new collecting interest! On a personal note, the book John Gyde and I have worked on for the last six years – Remington .22 Rimfire Rifles -went to the printer in late October. Our 400 page, full color, hardbound book features over 1,000 photographs and illustrations, and should become “the Bible” on Remington .22s. The publisher, The Remington Armory Press, says that books will be ready by early February. For ordering, see the advertisement on page xx of this Journal. Might make a fine Christmas gift for someone special! Your Remington Society has several important positions to fill in January, and we want you to consider stepping forward into a leadership role. The duties include: RSA Secretary, Marketing Committee Chairman (and Members) and Merchandising Committee Chairman (and Members). The benefits you’ll receive by volunteering will be returned to you ten-fold by closely working with some terrific leaders in the Remington collecting field. Bob Pryor, our RSA Gun Show Coordinator, tells us that gun show table managers are needed for the NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis in April, the Colorado Gun Show in May, the NRA Gun Collectors Leadership Show in Cody in June and the NRA National Gun Show in Tulsa an October. The Society will get the table and will ship you all display materials, including banners, magazines, applications and handouts. You supply the display guns (your choice) and the handshakes for those who stop by to visit. As this year comes to a close I am reminded of the wonderful things our Remington Society did in 2006! I especially want to thank all the members that contributed their time to make this collecting organization the best anywhere. I would need a full page to list them all, but you know who you are. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. To our new members in 2006, I trust you have enjoyed your membership and appreciate the effort we put into each issue of the Journal. We promise you an even better year in 2007. The best to you in collecting…
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