To my fellow RSA members,
Your Remington Society has entered 2015 in a rip-roaring way, with many wonderful things planned for this year. First of all I want to thank the four dozen or so members and guests that attended our Annual Mem- ber’s Meeting at the Antique Arms Show in Las Vegas last month. Not only did we inform the attendees of the events planned for this year, but everyone seemed to enjoy the raffles, give-aways, sale items, pizza and soft drinks. It was announded that RSA Director Chip Kloos told everyone about At the RSA Board Meeting the Directors approved a monetary compensation plan to reimburse members New RSA Director Trader Jeff Veselenak has made good progress in establishing the first of many “RSA Shoots” in various venues throughout the United States. Preliminary thoughts include Trap/Skeet Shoots utilizing vintage Remington Shotguns… Target Shooting and/or Cowboy Action Shooting utilizing vintage Remington per- cussion or cartridge handguns and rifles… and just plain “shoot what you bring” events using Remington guns of all types. Watch these pages for up to date information on these “shoots.” |
Following the lead of the American Society of done to establish this organiza tion as a world-recognized repository of Remington history. On January 12th Warren Newman, Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum since 2000, retired after 14 years of missed. His replacement is Ashley Hlebinsky, the first woman ever appointed as curator of a major firearms mu- seum in America. We met Ashley at the 2014 RSA Semi- nar in Cody and we were impressed by her knowledge of firearms and her willingness to share that knowledge with others. We know she will succeed in her new responsibili- ties. As the months and years go on it is inevitable that we will lose members… but it doesn’t become any easier. On December 8th we lost Andy Anderson, a premier col- lector of Remington double-guns, and the one who first suggested the RSA conduct “shoots” of vintage Reming- tons. Andy was a cheerful, likeable individual, who also loved L.C. Smith shotguns, and was one of the founders of that collector organization. We also lost Mark Aziz, who passed away on January 29th. Mark was 93 years old, I hope to see you at all the events and gun shows where the Remington Society will be this year. We are successful because of the unselfish help given by dozens of RSA members working in many capacities… including helping out at “the RSA table” at gun shows. Contact RSA Director Corey Creamer and tell him you want to help. Until next time…. |
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