To all readers,

Our 2014 RSA Annual Meeting is history, and more than sixty of our members attended the Saturday night get-together at the Antique Arms Show in Las Vegas. Among other RSA-related topics we discussed the future of the Remington Collector’s Journal, as our membership has grown to more than 650 members!

Some other organizations have begun to offer their members their choice of a “hard copy” of their club maga- zine and/or an electronic on-line copy. We are currently evaluating this for our members, but the other clubs tell us that it has gone over exceedingly well for their members… many of which opt for both, and receive the on-line maga- zine weeks before the actual magazine arrives in the mail.

The on-line magazine concept is quite attractive, as the pages will fill up the entire computer screen, and you can virtually turn the pages forward and backward.

We will probably adopt a version of an on-line RSA magazine by the next quarterly issue and will offer it on a trial basis to our members. In this way you will be able to see how it works before making any decision. Maybe you’ll opt for both versions.

This issue contains Bill Hansen’s excellent and well-researched article on Remington Model 720 rifles that never reached their full potential because of the all-out effort for World War II in the early 1940s… and their adoption by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps as marksman- ship awards. Rather than dividing Bill’s article into two, we decided to bring it to you in its entirity in one issue. Several of Bill’s past articles appeared in Journals that are now out- of-print, and we believe this one will follow suit.

Which brings up the next matter of concern… This magazine has been published in magazine format for the past 23 years. In that time more than 90 issues have been sent to our members – and eight or more magazines have become out-of-print. With great difficulty photocopies
of these more-popular issues have been sent to inquiring members who pay for the copying costs and postage. In the future we are investigating sending out an “electronic copy” rather than a photocopy. Let’s see what the future brings.

In the meantime, we encourage you to write articles for our Journal. Our RSA Historical Archives is here to help you in your research. Let us help you.

All my best,