Remington Model 30 Bolt Action, High-Power Rifles

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As my research began on the Model 30 there were a considerable number of questions to be answered. To a great extent these questions have been answered. The familiar quandary is that these answerers spawn new questions and new areas to be researched.

The Remington Model 30 is just
old enough that some of the early his-
tory is clouded. This singular effort
may not answer all questions, but it is
felt that the answers are waiting in the
light that is now beginning to dim with
time. The Model 30 was never pro-
duced in large quantity, its development
and production was over a considerable
period filling the time between the two
world wars. Its sales and thus devel-
opment were impeded by the depression years. Other factors which held back sales are apparent as we continue.

Traditional sources of information have been used includ- ing articles, advertisements, catalogs, owner manuals and fac- tory correspondence. The real story however, is made possible by studying the surviving rifles. An aid in this endeavor was the availability of several sizeable collections of Model 30s. The owners have graciously shared information from their collections. Surviving specimens are often a difficult read, as compared to documents, and thus are often underutilized as a research tool. Availability of such specimens is also a logistical problem as opposed to documents which are usually no more than Xerox machine away. Typically there are no more than
a few rifles available at any given location. With the Model
30 there are memories of a forty hour weekend where almost
a hundred such rifles were inspected. Many of these were photographed and disassembled. Thumbs became so sore that that a screwdriver was substituted to operate the bolt release. Fortunately the provider of these rifles was a willing partner

  in the work. As desired, the rewards of this work are worth the effort. Thanks are due to the Nordic nimrod who made his rifles and time available. Another Model 30 collector provided the considerable data he had collected on specimens he had worked with over the years. These large collections allow the chance to see features and patterns as they developed over time and to see them repeated with the large quantity of specimens to know they occurred at the factory rather than being questioned as a single example of work that was performed after it left the factory.

Among common knowledge re- garding The Model 30 is that it is a de- rivative of the 1917 Enfield rifle. Less commonly known is that design work
on the Model 30 began in November 1917 with the machinery used to produce 1917 Enfield still running warm. First sales of the Model 30 are reported to be in November, 1920. In a little over twenty years, total sales for the Model 30 were 22,738 units. This quantity was less than a good weeks production for the 1917 Enfield. In its best years it was only a modest success. In summary it was a financial flop. This lack of popularity will be discussed and analyzed as bring the reasons into focus.

The first known advertisement for the Model 30 did not include a model number designation. Interestingly some of the early Variety I rifles also were not marked with a model number.

Another early flyer referred to the rifle as the Model 23. This flyer was provided by Winchester historian and author, Herb Houze. To date this is the only copy of this flyer known to exist. No other reference to the Model 23 has been found. Mr. Houze has proposed an interesting slant for its origin. His ideas will be discussed in some detail later in this writing.

Page 16 4th Quarter 2012

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