Remington Large-Bore Conversion Revolvers by Roger Phillips

The large-bore New Model Army conversions produced by E. Remington & Sons starting later in 1868 are historically significant because they were the first big caliber metallic cartridge revolvers to be made and marketed in the United States in sufficient numbers to have a real impact.

Photo of Roger Phillip's book

This well-illustrated book identifies, illustrates, and deals historically with Remington large-bore conversion revolvers originating from the E. Remington & Sons factory and private sources from approximately 1865 to the turn of the century.

Chapters include:

  • An Historical Perspective
  • Cylinder-Cap Conversions
  • The Military Question
  • The Civilian Trade
  • Modified Remington Factory Conversions
  • Conversions from Other Sources
  • Experimental & Other Unusual Conversions
  • Ammunition

Available at Amazon:

Limited to 250 numbered copies
in leather hardcover, 126 pages, with some 200 illustrations.

This fine book is available through the author for $55.00 U.S.
funds postpaid.
*** Available copies becoming low — order today ***

Check or Money order to:
Roger Phillips
22 Kensington Crecent
Regina, SK
Canada S4S 7G5

E-mail ro************@sa*****.net
(signed by the author, on request)

Note: The writer’s interest in Remington large-bore conversion revolvers
continues and he would welcome information or questions relative to this
collecting area.

Survey form: Large-Bore Coversion Revolvers