How to Write an Article for the RSA Journal

You, too, can become an author of an article for the RSA Journal. How to Write
an Article for the
RSA Journal
Write an article for the RSA Journal.

The Remington
Society encourages its members to submit articles for the RSA Journal on any Remington-related subject.

Writing topics can include Remington firearms from any era (pistols, rifles, carbines or shotguns), ammunition (E. Remington & Sons, UMC, Rem-UMC, Remington Arms Company), history, and any related subject (Remington cutlery, cash registers, sewing machines, agricultural implements, typewriters, etc.). Articles are also welcome on companies which were acquired by Remington, including: Parker, Robin Hood, and Chamberlain.

You don’t have to be an accomplished author to write for the RSA Journal. Our staff will assist you with proof-reading, editing and constructive criticism to help you produce a first-class article.

Our Editor, Roy Marcot, will also assist you with research materials and vintage photographs on your subject, many direct from the Remington Archives in Ilion, New York.

Contact our editor at any time in the development of your article:

Send letter (or email) to
RSA Journal Editor Roy Marcot
12655 E. Horsehead Road,
Tucson, AZ 85749
e-mail: ro*******@ms*.com

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