The Fourth Rem-Thoughts… RSA President Roy Marcot 2012

Dear RSA Members,

Another year is ending, and I hope it has been a good one for you. Your Remington Society is flourishing, in spite of the sluggish economy, and the credit goes to many hard-working, unselfish and dedicated individu- als. The saying goes that less than 5% of the members do 100% of the work, and that is true for the RSA, as well. I would welcome the active involvement
of others in our group, as we can only
get better. If you have the time, and
want to get more involved with our
organization I hope you will call or
email me. We are also looking for sug gestions to improve the organization…
Whether or not you have the time to

Presently, we are looking for
someone to step forward to become our
RSA Advertising Manager. We are also
looking for a member to display their
Remington’s at the Annual NRA Meeting on May 3rd-May 5th in Houston,
Texas. Your Remington Society has actively participated at these Annual events for more than twenty-five years!

Bill Hansen, our club Secretary/Treasurer, informs me that our membership has now exceeded 625 members, worldwide. It wasn’t so long ago that we were at 200 members, then 300, 400 and 500. This is especially meaningful when I learned that other gun collecting clubs have shown a decline in membership over the years. Our steady increase can be attributed to several things, including our RSA website (under the capable hands of RSA VP David Fagan), our club publication — the Remington Collector’s Journal, the advertising in both by successful dealers and auction houses, and our annual historical seminars coordinated by Chip Kloos. In short, the RSA offers its members a great deal of historical information and fun activities to participate in.


Thirty-five members, spouses and guests attended the RSA’s 16th Annual Historical Seminar at VMI in Lexington, Virginia this past September. The weather was
perfect and our host at VMI, Col. Keith Gibson, made
us welcome throughout the three days there. Attendees enjoyed excellent presentations on VMI history, the life of General George C. Marshall, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, walking tours of downtown Lex- ington and the nearby Washington & Lee campus, fine banquet meals, and many fun hours “talking Remington” with wonderful friends. The seminar proceeded without
any hitch whatsoever, thanks to the careful planning of Seminar Coordinator Chip Kloos and his wife Susan. If you have never attended a seminar before, you will really enjoy future get-togethers. Chip is already lining up the 2013 seminar, and the location will be announced at the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas in January.

Wally Beinfeld’s Antique Arms Show has been the venue of our Annual RSA Member’s Meetings since the early 1980s. The next show will be held between January 18th
and the 20th at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas. This is one of the top three gun shows in America, and should not be missed. The Annual RSA Member’s Meeting will be held on Saturday evening, beginning at 5:30 pm, and lasting about two hours. We typically have upwards of fifty member attend, and many announcements are made regarding RSA activities planned for the year. Several dozen RSA members have sales and/or display table this show each year. Stop by and say hello.

I wish each and every one of you a joyous holi-
day season with your families, and hope to meet you in person this coming year. And as Leon was known to say, “Continue to fight the good fight.”

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