SEPTEMBER 19th to 21st, 2018
This year we are planning to travel to Huntsville, Alabama, for a visit to the Remington Firearms Factory. We are also going to visit the large U. S. Space and Rocket Center and the U. S Veteran’s Memorial Museum in Huntsville, both of which have significant historical information and displays.
Huntsville is accessible directly by air from Atlanta, Denver, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Detroit, Charlotte, and Washington D.C. It is serviced by American, Delta, United and US Airways. A current flight schedule is available at   Rental cars are available at the airport, and you will need to either rent one or plan to carpool with another attendee to get around the area.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Best Western Plus Hotel, located at 9035 Madison Boulevard in Madison, AL, which is quite close to the Airport (complimentary shuttle bus). Their phone number is (256) 772-7170, or (800) 826-9563. The rate for a two-queen bed room is $86 per night, including complimentary breakfast. Use the code Remington when making the reservation. If you wish to reserve on-line, please contact Mike Lawler who will send you the direct link for the specific reservation.
NOTE: Because of the nature of the work they perform, Remington in Huntsville requires proof of U.S. Citizenship prior to being admitted. Therefore, upon registration, attendees will be asked to complete and submit a short form at least 30 days prior to the event (by August 15th). The form can be sent either to the Seminar Coordinator, Mike Lawler, or transmitted directly to Remington.
Attendees are encouraged to bring several historical items, including transportable firearms, to the Seminar for display at the Remington facility. The purpose is to provide interchange with the Remington employees and encourage their participation in future RSA activities. A short description of the items needs to be provided to the Seminar Coordinator, Mike Lawler, who will transmit the information to Remington in advance. This should include make, model and serial number of any firearms.
Wednesday, September 19th
An opening dinner is planned for the Seminar at the original Greenbriar Restaurant, located at 27028 Old Highway 28 in Madison, AL, near the hotel. Maps to the restaurant will be available when you check in to the hotel. We will have Opening Remarks and a discussion of the detail schedule for the entire Seminar.
Thursday, September 20th
On Thursday morning we will assemble in front of the Remington factory located at 1816 Remington Circle SW in Huntsville. We will enter as a group, and badges for access to the facility will be provided at that time. We will then move to a reserved Meeting Room within the facility, where attendees who have brought items for display can set them up.
After welcoming remarks, we will assemble into groups and be escorted on tours of the various manufacturing facilities at the Remington Plant. It should be noted that Remington fabricates and assembles all its handguns and rimfire rifles here, plus its AR-15 type rifles. The Remington Custom Shop is now located here also, as is the manufacture of other items. Detail schedules are still being arranged with Remington, and will be available at the opening meeting.
As part of the schedule, RSA attendees will be having lunch on their own at the Remington lunchroom within the plant, and then will be returning to the meeting room to converse with interested employees who will be invited to see the displays that we have brought. This meeting room will also be available after working hours for a similar interchange.
Several historical presentations are planned for Thursday afternoon at the plant.
Dinner on Thursday evening will be on your own, and a list of recommended restaurants will be available in the package provided at the opening meeting.
Friday, September 21st 
On Friday morning we will assemble early in the morning at the U.S. Veteran’s Memorial Museum at 2060A Airport Road in Huntsville. It is one of the premier military museums in the country, exhibiting equipment and artifacts from the Revolutionary War to the present day. This includes small arms from all major conflicts, including an extensive collection of Civil War carbines and rifles. For more information, see their website at
We will then move to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, at 1 Tranquility Base in Huntsville. This is a very large museum with displays and interactive exhibits that chronicle the United States efforts to put men into space and eventually on the moon. Lunch can be on our own, but preferably at the Center lunchroom, as we will be attending an I-Max film that describes our Space exploration activities. For more information on the Center itself, visit its website at    We will then adjourn to the Best Western Plus hotel for our wrap-up meeting and dinner.
Saturday, September 22nd 
On Saturday, if you choose to stay over before returning home, you may visit some of the other attractions in Huntsville. These include the Huntsville Botanical Garden, the Marshall Space Flight Center Bus Tour, the Huntsville Museum of Art, the North Alabama Railroad Museum, the Von Braun Center, and several historical districts within Huntsville. Additional information can be obtained at the Visitors Bureau website at
If you are interested in attending this Seminar, please send in your registration information, including names of all planned attendees, to Mike Lawler at 4130 Lake Harbor Lane, Westlake Village CA 91361. The cost of the seminar is $150 per person.
Hope to see you there!
Mike Lawler  –  RSA Seminar Coordinator