Pewter casting by Bergamot of 1982 Duke Poster "No time for

Wanted to Buy - Remington Knives
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Re: Pewter casting by Bergamot of 1982 Duke Poster "No time

Post by ChuckD »

Yes I would like to see a photo, I'm sure there are others who would like to see it also.
I'm not sure just what it is so can't say I've seen one!
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Re: Pewter casting by Bergamot of 1982 Duke Poster "No time

Post by ChuckD »

If my memory is correct, I believe they made a belt buckle like this, but only about 2"x3". I've never seen one this size.
Thanks for posting the photo.
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Re: Pewter casting by Bergamot of 1982 Duke Poster "No time

Post by ChuckD »

First let me say I'm not a serious knife collector. I am a member of the RCCC,,
and I do have quite a few.
I think it's just supply and demand. Remington and Smoky have been cranking out large quantites and many variations. Different blade and haft materials. I think the limited editions might be holding value, but if everyone that wants one has one, there goes the value.
Just take a look on eBay to see what people are asking for some of the older ones are .
That's my take on it.
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